Sunday, July 29, 2018

Cleaning Up The Kitchen Sink With Easy Tips

One of the areas of the home that gets a lot of attention from everyone is that of the kitchen. The kitchen gets a lot of foot traffic, it’s used daily, and it can be difficult to manage for many people. If you are looking to clean this area up and make sure that you’re able to garner a bit of success, you’ll want to take a few tips. The following can help you clean up your kitchen sink with relative ease. With that in mind, take into consideration a few things you can do to ensure that your sink is looking great all the time.

Wash and Wipe Daily

Every time you use the sink, whether to wash dishes or prepping food, make sure that you wash the walls of the sink, and wipe things off completely. Pay attention to the interior of the sink and wipe things up. Leave no soap or food residue anywhere. Doing this properly will help you get a much cleaner and sanitary sink. As you clean the interior make sure that you also clean up the fixtures and don’t let any build up occur within any area.

Vinegar For Tough Stains

Another great option that you can utilize when trying to clean your sink is vinegar. You can use vinegar as a powerful rinse aid. You could pour it on your sink’s interior and just leave it alone for up to 20 minutes and then rinse it and let it dry. Another option is to use mouthwash. That’s right, this is a solution that has alcohol in it and can leave your sink with a minty scent as well.

The Baking Soda Option

For those that are looking for a helping hand, you’ll want to consider using baking soda. You essentially combine water and baking soda into a paste. That paste can then be spread across your sink and you can use that to ensure that you’re able to garner a bit of cleaning power throughout the interior of your sink. Baking soda is a powerful stain remover. You could also just sprinkle it into your sink and use water and a sponge to clean things up alone.
At the end of the day you can get a clean sink by simply paying close attention to what you’re doing and working on it daily.

Orange County House Cleaning Services by Maid Brigade

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